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Our partner The Dasvandh Network will be match funding donations received between Friday 22nd October 2021 to Friday 29th October 2021. 


All US donations will be able to claim federal tax deductions.

Sikh Spirituality Education Is Urgently Needed. Donate Today!

There is an urgent need to educate our community about Sikh spiritual wisdom.

The Sikhs don’t know about Sikh spiritual wisdom, our Gurdwara’s are not helping us to learn, children are being deterred from going to these institutions as they are saturated with dogmatism. We are seeing an increase in forced conversions from Sikhism and an increase in grooming cases. The younger generation have no one to relate to when in need of inspiration or guidance. This is because we do not have the right insight into learning about the sacred wisdom that the Guru have given us.

There are educational courses that have existed within other faiths for centuries and are being provided by Mosques, Churches and Temples. Where are the Gurmat courses?

Many people in the world are struggling to deal with their mental health, relationships and life issues. The wisdom of Gurmat has been specifically created for people living ordinary family and working lives and uses techniques conducive to the everyday person. This wisdom is unknown and is getting lost, why have we let this happen?

It is more critical than ever to elevate one another and integrate Sikh wisdom into our everyday lives. This sacred knowledge can save and transform lives.

Nanak Naam strongly believes Gurmat can save lives.

With your support we aim to:

1) Create easy-to-understand Gurmat Group Learning Courses. Topics will include relationships, stress management, parenting, marriage advise, dealing with grief, loss & bereavement, spirituality in the workplace and general life guidance.

2) Set-up a global network of 300 learning groups by 2030 within Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Bangkok, USA, UK and Europe.


These groups will use the new Gurmat courses as their learning tool, they will be run weekly, fortnightly or monthly by volunteers and will provide:

• Localised learning.

• A safe space for people needing spiritual guidance or wanting to develop their spiritual journey.

• An environment for discussion and local sangat support.

• Enhance their learning with a structured course to follow.

• Explore everyday life topics in-depth with group discussions.

• Develop a support network with other like-minded people.

Your generous donation will be used towards helping us start this project.

Your support will:

• Create a series of easy-to-understand Gurmat courses that Gurdwaras can run.

• Create translated courses in multiple languages: Punjabi, Hindi and Spanish.

• Help youth learn Sikh spirituality.

• Improve and create sangat circles.

• Spread the Gurus wisdom around the world.

Here is our timeline:

2022 – Set-up an online library of life-transforming Gurmat courses.

2023 – Research & develop technologies, systems to support the groups.

2024 – Set-up 90 x global learning groups. Establish 4 regional Co-Ordinator’s.

2030 – Have 300 established Global Gurmat Learning Groups around the world.